So I'm watching PTI and one of the topics of conversation was about Shaq challenging Lance Armstrong to a bike race. This is just another example of Shaq's love for the ridiculous, and egocentric.
Here is a step-by-step account of how Mr. O'Neal (aka the Diesel, Shaq Fu, The Big Aristotle, The Big Daddy, Superman, The Big Agave, The Big Cactus, The Big Shaqtus, The Big Galactus, Wilt Chamerneezy, The Big Baryshnikov, The Real Deal, Dr. Shaq, and Shaqovic) laid down the gauntlet.
Step one - Diesel Challenges: “O lance armstrong I challenge you on a time trail anytime anywere, I dnt smell fear do I, smmmmm smmmmmm dats the sniffn sound
7:27 PM Jun 19th from TwitterBerry"
Step two- Livestrong Responds: "@THE_REAL_SHAQ It's on. Oct 25 - Austin, TX. Let's see u take on my backyard. 20 miles @ LIVESTRONG Challenge. Leave training wheels @ home.
8:31 PM Jun 19th from UberTwitter
Step three: Michael Wilbon pledges for Shaq's amazing athletic ability by nostalgically recalling a beachfront 100 yard race between himself and the Big Aristotle. He explained that he was beating The Big Cactus until the last twenty yards when Dr. Shaq turned on the thrusters and kicked sand in Mr. Wilbon's face.
So beating Mike Wilbon a middle-aged sports writer in a 100-yard dash on the beach means you can beat Lance Armstrong, arguably the greatest cyclist ever, in a bike race?
You could give Shaq a motorcycle and Lance a bike while wearing ice skates and I'd still pick Lance.
However I truly hope this race is televised, as an ESPY skit.
special thanks to twitter, wikipedia, and picture from http://www.strangecosmos.com/images/content/110576.jpg
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